Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Despite all the supermarket frustrations of East Harlem (don't get me started on finding a good balsamic vinegar without sounding like a complete yuppie foodie), there is an abundance of awesome items for delicious mexican dishes (could be all the mexican restaurant workers...).

Anyways, here's a dish I read on a menu and could literally hear it going straight to my ass, so here's my pared down version:

Two corn tortillas (diced into 2 in x 1 in strips)
2 Eggs (cracked and whipped)
Shredded Cheese (Cheddar or Mexican Mix)
Diced chilies
Hot Sauce
Sour Cream

Spray pan with Pam toss corn tortillas and cook until soft (might need a few more sprays). Once tortillas are fairly cooked pour in eggs and scramble in pan. Once eggs are nearly set, sprinkle with a handful of shredded cheese and diced chilies. Scramble until its all dispersed. Season with salt and pepper. Top with a dollop of sour cream and shake on some hot sauce.